GenerativeComponents Help

Graphic Handles

Graphic handles represent graphically constrained locators that allow you to interact with "free" geometric parameters in a model. Graphic handles represent the variables of a node that can be edited interactively within the View window.

A typical point is created by Cartesian coordinates, and is defined by X, Y and Z coordinates. Each handle line of a different color corresponds to an axis in the host coordinate system:

  1. X axis (red handle line)
  2. Y axis (green handle line)
  3. Z axis (cyan handle line)
  4. XY plane (red/green corner handle)
  5. XZ plane (red/cyan corner handle)
  6. YZ plane (green/cyan corner handle)

When you use the Move node tool (), and click one of the axis handles, the point moves along it. The Node Coordinate dialog appears displaying the corresponding numerical values accordingly.

The Handle Visible tool or the right-click > Handle Visible menu option is used to toggle the handle visibility of the selected node.